About Us

Interchurch Softball League

"Softball With A Purpose" - Club Motto

About Us

Softball refers to the indoor game of baseball which is alternative and adjustment of baseball played on a smaller field with large sizable ball. This game was developed in the late 19 th century. The game consists of three types which are slow-pitch softball, fast-pitch softball, and modified softball. Slow-pitch softball is played with ten fielders whereas fast-pitch softball is played with nine fielders on the field at one time.

Accordingly, softball is wonderful and fun game in which the people of all ages can participate in it. So, to make the game more fine, we provide a practical and applied agenda for the player, umpire and statistician. Similarly, Different equipments and materials are needed to play softball. The equipments or materials in this game involves a ball, gloves, uniforms and other protective materials like shin guards and chest protector for the defensive catcher, helmets for the offensive team and others. It is easy, entertaining, amusing and pleasurable to learn the softball game though all the people may not have the top-notch coach to educate them the basics. We also provide different programs like Umpire Program, Coaching Program, CAN pitch Program House League Development Program and other resources to make the softball game more efficient and easier to play.